Khenpo Tsering Tashi on the Seven Branches

Khenpo Tsering Tashi on How to practise the Seven Branches of Devotional Practice in our daily life

Saturday 9 October 2021, 2.00pm-5.00pm AEST

‘On the path of the sutras, we have to accumulate merit for many countless kalpas, but in the Secret Mantrayana this is achieved in as many instants... All the methods for accumulating merit and wisdom are included in the seven branches.’ (A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher)

The ‘Seven Branches of Devotional Practice’ is one of the key practices in the Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro.

They are:

  1. Prostration, the antidote to pride
  2. Offering, the antidote to avarice
  3. Confession, the antidote to aggression
  4. Rejoicing, the antidote to jealousy
  5. Requesting to turn the wheel of Dharma, the antidote to ignorance
  6. Requesting not to pass into parinirvana, the antidote to wrong views
  7. Dedication of merit, the antidote to doubts

Khenpo will explain the practice and show how we can bring it into our everyday lives


  • Adult $30
  • Rigpa subscribers/members $15
  • There will be an opportunity during the event to make offerings for Khenpo.
  • Open to everyone including non-Rigpa students