The Four Seals encapsulate the essence of the Buddha’s teachings and are regarded as the foundation of Buddhist philosophy. In four simple but profound lines, they reveal the crystal clear logic of the Buddhist view that can take us from suffering to nirvana. Embedding this view into our personal experience makes the Buddhist path come alive.
Dungse is the son of two outstanding Buddhist teachers: Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche (born and raised in the Tibetan refugee community in Northern India) and American-born Elizabeth Mattis Namgyal. With life-long guidance from Kongtrul Rinpoche, particularly in traditional Buddhist philosophical, Dungse-la is uniquely placed to bring the best of the Tibetan tradition to students in the West. He is widely known for his pragmatic, curious, and creative approach to traditional Buddhist teachings.
Rigpa Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre
158 Australia St, Newtown, Sydney
Dates and times:
Friday 31 May 7.00pm
Saturday 1 June 10.00am
Saturday 1 June 2.00pm
Tickets: Friday only $35 (Concession and Rigpa subscribers $25)
Full program Friday and Saturday $89 (Concession and Rigpa subscribers $70)

Presented by Mangala Shri Bhuti in association with Rigpa Australia.