One Sunday each Month

The wisdom of the Buddha reveals a whole new way of seeing the world and ourselves within that world.

This interactive course is an exploration of key Buddhist wisdom teachings. We will place these ideas under a microscope bringing the similarities and differences between Buddhist and contemporary views clearly into focus. You will be invited to re-evaluate your own ideas and clarify your outlook on life. The outcome is a surer and sounder insight into the way we see the world.

Over the course of 2022 and into 2023, we will investigate:

  • What is wisdom?
  • How things appear and how things are
  • The afflictions: how do they function and how can we eliminate them?
  • Karma: what it is, how it works, can a Buddhist do without it?
  • What does enlightenment mean?


These sessions are once a month.

Where:  Online and in-person at 158 Australia St, Newtown

When: Second Sunday each month

13 November, 11 December 2022, (no session in January 2023), 12 February 2023

Time: 9:30am-1:00pm

Cost: Adult: $20, Rigpa Subscribers (members): free

All proceeds from our courses and workshops, go directly to running our centre. Rigpa’s policy is that financial difficulties should not be an obstacle to attending our courses. If this is an issue for you please contact us.

If you are not a current subscriber/member or your subscription has lapsed, please email Rigpa Sydney at sydney@localhost to find out more.


COVID information for attending Rigpa sessions at our centre

Rigpa Sydney follows all NSW Government health advice.

If you attend a particular session at the centre in person, we recommend wearing a face mask.

Please contact us at