Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquillity and happiness we all seek. – His Holiness the Dalai Lama
A thousand years ago, a humble Tibetan monk, Geshe Chekhawa, summarised the Tibetan Buddhist guidelines for living a compassionate life into seven key points, known as the Seven Points of Mind training. For generations, his pithy slogans have laid the way for students to nurture their own compassionate nature and put it into action in everyday life.
In a world where acts of unkindness, large and small, can leave us in despair and feeling powerless these teachings offer a vital practical antidote.
Cultivating Compassion will present teachings on the Seven Points recently given by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche accompanied by reflections from Traleg Rinpoche.
Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche is one of the outstanding meditation teachers of our time. She is known for her penetrating wisdom and humour, conveying the Buddhist teachings in a concise and lively manner, enriched with personal anecdotes, which are of particular relevance to the everyday life of the modern, fast-paced world.
From the early 1980s onwards, Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche was a pioneer in bringing Tibetan Buddhism to Australia and a strong advocate of non-sectarianism. He taught extensively on many aspects of Buddhist psychology and philosophy, comparative religion, and Buddhist and Western thought.
This program is open to all, but does assume some familiarity with meditation and the Buddhist understanding of interdependence.
Past feedback from participants:
"After a number of exposures to Lojong in the past I am finding this time it has become deeply meaningful to me and has changed the way I see the world. This particular course using Traleg Kyabgon’s book the Practice of Lojong and video teachings by Khandro Rinpoche is a gem that students of all levels would benefit from. I will certainly be participating again in 2021."
"These teachings take on a deeper meaning every time you read them. Our instructor has generously guided us though the Lojong texts with patience, thoughtfully chosen audio-visual references and interesting group discussions. The course has put some order on my otherwise disorganised approach and has helped me form a more structured basis for my practice."
"I didn’t know what I would get out of the Cultivating Compassion classes or if it even would help. Like many, I was under enormous pressures and flat out managing my own life. But I just knew I needed to experience compassion and clarity more than anything. So I just kept showing up for these classes despite having a long list of reasons why I shouldn’t. It was surprisingly good humoured and encouraging. It helped me back to practicing meditation and making good use of the support I needed (that has sprung up with COVID). The teachings are like a beacon during what feels like a tumultuous time. The instructor provides a guide to students for each class which is mixed with listening to priceless teachings, interacting with other students and/or simply reflecting. At times it felt over my head but I found out I wasn’t the only one. Then I made unexpected gains. Stuff I will utilise for the rest of my life. Either way it helps to just keep showing up."