For Everyone
Our Homepage is moving
Our home page is moving soon to
Wednesday evenings 6.30pm-8.30pm
A year-long course in five-week modules
Module - Awakening Compassion
Starts 13 November
In Person & Online
For Established Students
Becoming a subscriber offers you an unparalleled opportunity to learn about and join in traditional Tibetan Buddhist practices for transforming your mind and your circumstances, and for peace and well-being in the world.
Rigpa Sydney follows the international Rigpa program of study, reflection and practice. It is an in-depth curriculum based on the graduated stages of the Buddhist path of awakening.
About Rigpa
Rigpa is an international community of students and friends studying and following the Buddhist teachings of Tibet. Rigpa’s main focus is to make the Buddha’s teachings available as widely as possible, in a way that is authentic, accessible and beneficial for people of all ages, and from all walks of life.
For over 30 years, Rigpa Sydney has been fortunate to host visits and teachings from many teachers and lamas from various Tibetan Buddhist traditions.
Sign up to the Rigpa Sydney mailing list
Sign up to the Rigpa Sydney mailing list to find out about our meditation and compassion courses, visiting teachers and more!

Welcome to our centre in Newtown
Address: 158 Australia Street, Newtown, Sydney, Australia.
Venue Hire

Rigpa Sydney follows all NSW Government health advice.
Among our regular volunteer role holders and students are a number of people with health conditions that make them vulnerable, should they be exposed to someone infectious with COVID. We appreciate your consideration.
Please do not come to the centre if you are feeling unwell, if you are waiting on results from a COVID-19 test, or if you have recently been in close contact with someone with flu-like symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test. Most of our courses and practices are available online.
If you are attending in person at our centre, we encourage you to wear a face mask.
Please notify us immediately if you test positive to COVID-19 within a few days of visiting the centre, and provide details to: